【主要演員】:Casper Zafer, Esther Nubiola, Leonor Watling, Ingrid Rubio, Jane Asher, Charlie Cox, Sid Mitchell, Rafael Amargo, Jay Benedict, Victoria Abril, Giancarlo Giannini, Rebeca Cobos, Valentina Burgueno, Julio Velez, Ismael Martinez. 等.
其實用席勒的一部小說的名字更合適:陰謀與愛情。戲裏幾乎每個人都有自己的一套打算或如意算盤:蒂朗和公主一見鍾情,有雙宿雙飛的願望又不敢真越雷池;王后愛上了個小情人,巴不得國王早死好讓小夥子掌權;公主紅衣和 綠衣的貼身宮女又好像倆個色情狂一樣,不過綠衣宮女的慾望僅僅是男人,紅衣宮女是通過男人到達權力,不停慫恿公主去突破界限;奶媽居然愛上了蒂朗並想用盡手段得到 他;老國王有心用女兒去和親,不過又有些搖擺不定。兩個年輕人單純的愛情,要承載這麼多人的慾望和陰謀。
公主要把自己光明正大地嫁出去然後交給丈夫,又在慾望的漩渦裏掙扎,蒂朗出於本性想得到公主,又不願意違背公主的意志,可見兩個人是真心相愛,都能為對方 考慮。不過辦事還是笨了點兒,要不是蒂朗摔壞了腿,事態會向另一個方向發展,或許他們就「從此幸福快樂地生活在一起了」。如果他們能早點對國王說我想嫁我想娶就好了,我真不知道一直在磨嗔什麼,蒂朗怎麼說也是個功臣啊,向國王要個封號不就有資格娶公主了?公主要是早點和心上人成好事也就不會有這麼多波折了?不知道這樣理解行不行:反映了男人和女人的問題:大多數男人因為自己沒錢沒權,不敢向女人承諾婚姻,女人呢沒有婚姻又不敢交出自己,好事總是多磨,可問題出在誰身上呢?人得學會排除身邊的干擾,掌握自己的命運,要不就會像騎士和公主一樣,等到覺醒的時候,行動也晚了。
Tirante the knight is as committed to fighting the Turks in Constantinople as he is to relieving Carmesina, the heiress to the Byzantine Empire, of her virginity.
【User Reviews】:
I hadn't read the book prior to seeing the movie, so I can't compare them. Honestly, I expected it to be deadly bad. And I was really surprised. The story is beautiful, filled with both humor and drama. It's not the "Troya" kind of film, the battle scenes are somehow poor (maybe due to a bad production?) yet Aranda gives them a personal touch. Aranda surprises again with his ability to investigate love, passion and human feelings. I loved the fact that Tirant is not the typical hero. Shame that the actor is sometimes empty...specially in comparison to the women of the film. Sure that Esther Nubiola is a discovery, we can read everything from her eyes and she's the perfect image for sensuality. Leonor Watling and Ingrid Rubio bring brightness to the movie, as well as Victoria Abril,able to catch the eye of the camera even from the back. A special congratulations to Giancarlo Gianini, this guy is always perfect whatever he does. Amazing dresses,by Ivonne Blake and beautiful music, with those breathtaking child chorus. The only shame, that Vicente Aranda didn't have the right producers and sometimes you can feel it through the movie.
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